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€ 77,05
EAN-13: 9789042950801
Burling H.D.P.
Divine Disclosures
Edizione:Peeters, 2023
Collana:Studies in Philosophical Theology

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Prezzo di acquisto€ 77,05

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€ 79,35
EAN-13: 9789042947900
Kuipers-Sedee M.
Chesterton, the New Atheism, and an Apologetics of Common Sense
Edizione:Peeters, 2022
Collana:Studies in Philosophical Theology

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Prezzo di acquisto€ 79,35

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€ 78,20
EAN-13: 9789042943957
Bersee T.
On the Meaning of 'Miracle' in Christianity
Edizione:Peeters, 2021
Collana:Studies in Philosophical Theology

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Prezzo di acquisto€ 78,20
DescrizioneMiracle narratives are an essential part of nearly all religious traditions. The importance of miracles also applies to Christianity. The Gospels record thirty-five miracles that Jesus is said to have performed, including twenty-three miraculous healings and nine nature miracles (for example, stilling a storm and turning water into wine). At the heart of Christian faith lies the story of Jesus’ resurrection from the dead. However, the factuality of these events has been increasingly problematised, especially since the period of the Enlightenment. In this study, it is argued that the current debate between science-oriented critics of miracles and their religious opponents focuses predominantly on the question of factuality and evidence at the loss of the religious meaning of miracles. The suggestion that science and religion would be opposite approaches is denied in a proposal of a balanced hermeneutical approach of miracles that does justice to scientific findings, religious texts and experience.

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€ 90,85
EAN-13: 9789042945630
Stoker W.
Imaging God Anew
Edizione:Peeters, 2021
Collana:Studies in Philosophical Theology

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Prezzo di acquisto€ 90,85

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€ 78,20
EAN-13: 9789042937628
Orr J.
The Mind of God and the Works of Nature
Edizione:Peeters, 2019
Collana:Studies in Philosophical Theology

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Prezzo di acquisto€ 78,20
DescrizioneHistorians of science have long considered the very idea of a law-governed universe to be the relic of a bygone intellectual culture that took it largely for granted that a divine lawmaker existed. Similarly, many philosophers of science today insist that the notion of a law of nature is fraught with implausibly theological assumptions, preferring instead to treat them as theoretical axioms in an optimal description of nature’s regularities, or else as patterns of causal connections or powers that are compatible with a naturalistic conception of reality. Yet the metaphor of lawhood has proven more difficult to dislodge than the theistic commitments it once presupposed, not least because it preserves the widespread intuition that the task of scientific inquiry is not to stipulate the difference between a lawful and an accidental regularity in nature, but to discover it. Taking its cue from the repeated failure to find naturalistic alternatives to divine lawmaking, this book undertakes a retrieval and reappraisal of a high-scholastic philosophy of nature that grounds lawlike regularities in the conceptual and causal powers of God and, having done so, concludes that the metaphysical framework of classical theism yields a more powerful and parsimonious explanation of the rhythms and patterns of the natural world than its secular rivals.

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€ 62,10
EAN-13: 9789042938199
Gillett J.A.
Compatibilist Freedom and the Problem of Evil
Edizione:Peeters, 2018
Collana:Studies in Philosophical Theology

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Prezzo di acquisto€ 62,10
DescrizioneCompatibilism has become an increasingly popular position amongst contemporary philosophers. However, within the philosophy of religion the majority of philosophers continue to adopt an incompatibilist, usually libertarian, view of free will. This book seeks to explore whether it is possible to formulate a coherent compatibilist response to the problem of evil and, if so, whether such a response could help compatibilism to be seen as a viable, or even preferable, alternative to incompatibilism within philosophy of religion.

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€ 85,10
EAN-13: 9789042936393
Brewer C. R.
Christian Theology and the Transformation of Natural Religion: From Incarnation to Sacramentality
Edizione:Peeters, 2018
Collana:Studies in Philosophical Theology

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Prezzo di acquisto€ 85,10
DescrizioneDavid Brown (b. 1948) is a Scottish Episcopal priest and theologian whose work covers a vast terrain spanning methodological divisions between philosophy, Christian theology, religious studies, the arts and culture. Early work on the Trinity and Incarnation led to a Newman-inspired articulation of Scripture as tradition, and, related to this, the exploration of tradition as revelation with reference to a wide range of human experience. Moving from materially-mediated divine presence to culturally-mediated revelation, Brown’s phenomenology of religious experience amounts to a transformed natural religion along sacramental lines. Essays in this volume consider Brown’s wide ranging and generative contributions in three parts: 1) Reason, Faith & Tradition, 2) Incarnation & Trinity, and 3) Sacramentality & the Arts, with a concluding response from Brown himself that addresses ‘religious experience and revelation’, as well as ‘secular culture and religious distinctiveness’.

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€ 47,15
EAN-13: 9789042934931
Jonbäck F.
The God who Seeks but Seems to Hide
Edizione:Peeters, 2017
Collana:Studies in Philosophical Theology

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Prezzo di acquisto€ 47,15
DescrizioneAssuming that there is an all-powerful, all-knowing, perfectly good God who seeks a loving relationship with all humans, it is puzzling that certain people experience that God seems to hide. It is often argued that this fact of ‘divine hiding’ renders it improbable that God exists. In this study, Francis Jonbäck defends the view that it would not be surprising if divine hiding were necessary to realise greater goods or to avoid worse evils that are beyond our ken, in which case one is not justified in saying that divine hiding renders it improbable that God exists. He goes on to argue that it is difficult to explain why God hides and that – although believers do not have a probabilistic problem with believing in a God who seems to hide – there might be an existential or practical problem, in particular for non-believers, when seeking a God who seems to hide.

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€ 89,70
EAN-13: 9789042934382
Cimorelli C.
John Henry Newman's Theology of History
Edizione:Peeters, 2017
Collana:Studies in Philosophical Theology

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Prezzo di acquisto€ 89,70
DescrizioneThis monograph delineates John Henry Newman’s ‘theology of history’, which refers to his theological understanding, or ‘view’, of history that one finds pervading his work like a rich atmosphere. Newman’s view led to his crafting of provisional theories that not only were more historically conscious, but also could support and promote revealed religion and religious epistemology in the present. This project traces these developing theories and the presuppositions on which they rested, as well as distills from them Newman’s ‘theological imaginary’, which can be understood as his ‘idea’ of the church, an idea which he believed must become manifest in the world. Newman’s theology of history is thus inextricably bound up with the realization of Christianity in its authentic ecclesial manifestation. This monograph highlights the import of Newman’s theology of history for our own theological ‘imaginaries’ in the present, post-Vatican II context, ultimately developing an original ‘relational-developmental model of doctrine’.

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€ 81,65
EAN-13: 9789042934573
Eklund D.-J.
Faith and Will
Edizione:Peeters, 2017
Collana:Studies in Philosophical Theology

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Prezzo di acquisto€ 81,65
DescrizioneThis study is a critical examination of the views about the voluntary element of religious faith in contemporary analytic theistic philosophy of religion. The background of the question is the variety of opinions regarding the voluntariness or involuntariness of religious faith. The study examines different propositional attitudes, such as belief, hope, and acceptance, which are taken to be involved in the cognitive aspect of religious faith. Another central theme concerns the practical aspect of religious faith and the attitudes it involves. Questions having to do with the emotional and evaluative aspects of religious faith are also touched upon. In addition, certain traditional theological topics pertaining to voluntariness of faith, namely, topics having to do with such notions as merit of faith and grace, are addressed. Apart from the critical evaluation, this study develops one model of faith, that is, faith as propositional hope.

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€ 85,10
EAN-13: 9789042934825
Michaud D.A.
Reason Turned into Sense
Edizione:Peeters, 2017
Collana:Studies in Philosophical Theology

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Prezzo di acquisto€ 85,10
DescrizioneJohn Smith (1618-1652), long known for the elegance of his prose and the breadth of his erudition, has been underappreciated as a philosophical theologian. This book redresses this by showing how the spiritual senses became an essential tool for responding to early modern developments in philosophy, science, and religion for Smith. Through a close reading of the Select Discourses (1660) it is shown how Smith’s theories of theological knowledge, method, and prophecy as well as his prescriptive account of Christian piety rely on his spiritual aesthetics. Smith offers a coherent system with intellectual intuition informing natural theology and revelation supplemented by spiritual perception via the imagination too. The central uniting feature of Smith’s philosophical theology is thus ‘spiritual sensation’ broadly construed. The book closes with proposals for research on Smith’s influence on the accounts of the spiritual senses developed by significant later figures including Jonathan Edwards (1703-1758) and John Wesley (1703-1791).

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€ 85,10
EAN-13: 9789042933774
Brunsveld N.
The Many Faces of Religious Truth
Edizione:Peeters, 2017
Collana:Studies in Philosophical Theology

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Prezzo di acquisto€ 85,10
DescrizioneReligious statements can be true or false, and are not merely arbitrary or personally meaningful. That is the core thesis of this work in pragmatist philosophy of religion. Other contemporary approaches are deficient, as they have problematic ways of understanding truth and experience. The argument in this study draws on Hilary Putnam's work in such fields as ethics, epistemology, philosophy of language and philosophy of mind. Influenced by Ludwig Wittgenstein, however, Putnam doesn't fully acknowledge how religious statements, similar to other statements, depend on an interaction of our language and the world. This would make religious truth a matter of convention. Drawing on another source of inspiration for Putnam, William James, Niek Brunsveld shows how religious claims can have truth value.

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€ 85,10
EAN-13: 9789042933903
Gregersen N.H.
Naturalism and Beyond
Edizione:Peeters, 2016
Collana:Studies in Philosophical Theology

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Prezzo di acquisto€ 85,10
DescrizioneThis book offers a critical analysis of the varieties of contemporary naturalism - from scientific naturalism to religious naturalism. What are the claims of naturalism apart from its denial of 'the supernatural'? What are the distinctive modes of thought within contemporary religious naturalism? Some argue for a science-based worldview, others for a cosmic view of reality that includes human engagement and religious commitment - with or without God-talk. The book shows how an appeal to what is beyond empirically validated facts resurfaces within most varieties of naturalism. But it also points to the fact that immanentist frameworks are widely presupposed among contemporary theologians who do not describe themselves as 'naturalists'. Rival positions and conflicts of interpretations emerge as to the question of transcendence and the Beyond, and different philosophical theologies are at work - from the strict denial of theism to ground-of-being-theisms to classic and alternative views of the divine.

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€ 81,65
EAN-13: 9789042933897
Bryson J.
The Christian Platonism of Thomas Jackson
Edizione:Peeters, 2016
Collana:Studies in Philosophical Theology

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Prezzo di acquisto€ 81,65
DescrizioneAlthough Thomas Jackson (1579-1640) is recognized by scholars as the most important theologian of the Laudian church, hitherto there has been no comprehensive study of his philosophical theology. The reason for Jackson's neglect is that scholars have been puzzled by the sources, character and influence of his Christian Platonism. From a close and comprehensive reading of his magnum opus - a massive twelve book commentary on the Apostles' Creed - this book shows how Jackson regards the Platonic tradition as an essential and perennial resource for the Christian theologian, anticipating and informing central aspects of Christian theological speculation and belief, given by divine providence to help him interpret and defend his creed. Special attention is paid to the influence of Nicholas of Cusa (1401-1464) on Jackson, an important moment in the history of thought since the German cardinal is generally thought to have been without intellectual successors in the early modern period.

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€ 73,60
EAN-13: 9789042932364
Baldwin E.D.
Fully Informed Reasonable Disagreement and Tradition Based Perspectivalism
Edizione:Peeters, 2016
Collana:Studies in Philosophical Theology

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Prezzo di acquisto€ 73,60
DescrizioneApparently, people who are aware of the relevant facts and experiences in a belief forming situation, sometimes reasonably disagree about whether to believe and why. This study argues that such disagreements are possible, and that some purportedly fully informed reasonable disagreements are genuine, including cases involving disagreement about which beliefs about God are reasonably taken to be properly basic, given the facts of religious diversity and cases in which phenomenologically similar religious experiences properly ground a variety of religious beliefs. Drawing on the work of Alasdair MacIntyre, it also argues that Tradition-Based Perspectivalism – roughly, the view that foundational beliefs about what is reasonable to believe and why, are tradition-based and perspectival in nature, originating in and appropriately grounded only from the perspective of some tradition of inquiry or other – is true, and that its truth provides additional support for the claim that fully informed reasonable disagreement actually occurs.

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€ 66,70
EAN-13: 9789042930193
Masson R.
Without Metaphor, No Saving God
Edizione:Peeters, 2014
Collana:Studies in Philosophical Theology

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Prezzo di acquisto€ 66,70
DescrizioneStudies of conceptual and neural mapping in cognitive linguistics, while posing a fundamental challenge for religious belief, also suggest new ways of understanding how people conceptualize God and make theological inferences. This book, inspired by that research and attentive to the distinctive insights of Christian theology, elaborates an innovative explanation of God-talk, better able to credibly address confusion and controversies that trouble the church, academic theology, and broader culture. The first part analyzes both cognitive linguistics’ challenge to standard theological depictions of metaphorical, analogous, symbolic, and literal language, and the discipline’s promise for providing a more satisfactory account. The second half examines six case studies to illustrate how clarifying the conceptual mapping in God-talk and theological inferences provides a powerful tool for advancing religious understanding. The illustrations include the hypothesis that religion is an epiphenomenon of evolution, the so-called “new atheism,” Black theology, and controversies between theologians and Church authorities. This book has won the 2014 CTS Book Award.

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€ 59,80
EAN-13: 9789042927384
MacSwain R.
Solved by Sacrifice
Edizione:Peeters, 2013
Collana:Studies in Philosophical Theology

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Prezzo di acquisto€ 59,80
DescrizioneAustin Farrer (1904-1968), Warden of Keble College, Oxford, was a remarkably creative and significant figure in twentieth-century theology. Robert MacSwain argues that one explanation for Farrer’s relative obscurity is that most commentators have focused on his metaphysics, and in particular on Finite and Infinite (1943), his monumental treatise of ‘rational theology’. By contrast, MacSwain proposes an epistemological analysis that takes seriously the neglected but crucial theme of fideism in Farrer’s thought. MacSwain charts the development of Farrer’s thinking on the proper relation between faith and reason from 1924 to 1968—including his engagements with Karl Barth, logical positivism, Thomism, and Wittgensteinian philosophy—and offers a reading of Farrer that resonates with contemporary religious epistemology and the growing focus on spiritual praxis. The final chapter considers Farrer’s provocative claim that the logical paradoxes of religious belief are ‘solved by sacrifice’ in the lives of those whom we recognise as ‘saints’: as Farrer puts it, ‘Such a life, then, is evidence, and what other evidence could you hope to find?’

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€ 64,40
EAN-13: 9789042928961
Meylahn J.-A.
The Limits and Possibilities of Postmetaphysical God-Talk
Edizione:Peeters, 2013
Collana:Studies in Philosophical Theology

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Prezzo di acquisto€ 64,40
DescrizionePostmetaphysics in this book is interpreted as thinking through metaphysics at the closure of metaphysics by thinking the impossible possibility of metaphysics. In this site of the closure of metaphysics and the turn to language, the grammar of faith is discovered as the grammar of language or writing (grammatology). The logic or grammatology of writing and thus of reality (context) is revealed, not contra to philosophy or metaphysics, but when thinking through metaphysics to its end (Heidegger) or closure (Derrida), and there in that site the grammar of faith is revealed as the grammar of texts and contexts and in such a site “God” is a good name to save and hence the possibility of postmetaphysical God-talk. The book concludes with three oblique offerings with regard to such postmetaphysical God-talk, namely a construction of an image, theopoetics and finally holy folly in response to the limitations and possibilities of postmetaphysical God-talk in the light of the conversation between Heidegger, Levinas and Derrida.

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€ 59,80
EAN-13: 9789042926349
Stoker W.
Culture and Transcendence
Edizione:Peeters, 2012
Collana:Studies in Philosophical Theology

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Prezzo di acquisto€ 59,80
DescrizioneThe spectrum of religious experience and spirituality in contemporary postmodern, postsecular and religiously pluralized Western culture is extremely broad. Is it possible to trace the development, the shifts, breaches and patterns of religious and spiritual transcendence in this deeply diversified context? In this volume, a heuristic model of four types of transcendence is proposed and discussed. The four types are immanent transcendence, radical transcendence, radical immanence and transcendence as alterity. Of each type two examples from contemporary cultural discourses, ranging from theology and philosophy to popular culture are presented and the viability of the model as such is critically assessed. The pairs of examples show how different kinds of content are given to the same type. By illuminating this dialectic between formal categories of notions of transcendence and their specific content in various areas of culture, the book can aid further exploration of the preconditions, possibilities, difficulties and limitations of relating to and expressing (a) sense(s) of transcendence within a postmodern world.

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€ 59,80
EAN-13: 9789042925670
Dumbreck G.
Schleiermacher and Religious Feeling
Edizione:Peeters, 2012
Collana:Studies in Philosophical Theology

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Prezzo di acquisto€ 59,80
DescrizioneReligious feeling lies at the heart of Schleiermacher's theology. In his earliest monograph, the Speeches, he famously writes that "religion's essence is neither thinking nor acting but intuition and feeling." He portrays religious feeling as an eternal and universal state of consciousness, which cannot be generated by individuals, the world or anything within it, but must have a transcendent "whence", namely God. Yet his critics have often missed this point, assuming that his emphasis on feeling makes religion transitory and individualistic. This misinterpretation is furthered by philosophical, psychological, anthropological and popular understandings of feeling, which characterise emotions as selfish and moods as inward looking.This book traces the development of Schleiermacher's concept of feeling, comparing the first edition of the Speeches with his later works, especially The Christian Faith. It points to a fundamental continuity in Schleiermacher's stance, despite the increasing orthodoxy of his language, and his growing interest in the collective feeling of the religious community. Taking account of recent developments in psychology and philosophy, this study sheds light on the elements of Schleiermacher's account that are tenable today, clearing the way for future reappraisals of his theological project.

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